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  • 成都市天府新区职业学校简介

    天府新区职业学校是四川省重点职业中学、四川省内务管理示范学校、全国教育科研先进单位、四川省教育工作先进集体、成都市国际化窗口学校建设单位。学校于2018年由原成都市华阳职业中学更名后整合原成都天府新区成人中等专业学校相关职责学生而成立,隶属天府新区成都直管区,是一所公办公益一类(财政全额拨款)事业单位,主要招收应届初中毕业生。        Chengdu Tianfu New Area Vocational High School has been evaluated as a provincial key high school, a provincial internal affair demonstrative school and a national advanced unit for education and science. It is also an advanced collective for education and international windowed constructive unit. It has been an integration of Huayang Vocational High School and Adult Middle Vocational School since 2018, attached to Tianfu New Area, a public-interested and financial-allocated institution Ⅰ, whose students' source is mainly junior high school graduates.       学校实行“一校两区”( 四河校区、滨江校区),现有教职工221人,其中在编教师156人,校聘教师65人,中高级教师143人,专业课教师113人,双师型教师154人,其中市级双师型教师49人;共有教学班65个,在校学生近2700人。学校紧密对接成都市“5+5+1”、天府新区“1+3+N”产业发展体系进行专业设置,目前开设有学前教育、社区公共事务管理、旅游服务与管理、电子商务、数字媒体技术应用、电子技术应用、机械加工技术共7大专业14个专业方向,其中学前教育、旅游服务与管理专业为成都市重点专业,社区公共事务管理专业为省级特色专业。       The  school implements “one school , two districts”policy (Sihe campus, Binjiang campus). The current number of teaching and administrative staff reaches 221, among whom there are 156 permanent staff, 65 outsourcing teachers, 143 senior teachers, 113 specialized course teachers, 154 dual-qualification teachers ,among them, there are 49 municipal dual-qualification teachers; At present the school has a total enrollment of nearly 2700 students in 65 classes.
      The school  is closely connects with the industrial development system of "5 +5 + 1" in Chengdu and "1 +3 + N" in Tianfu New District for speciality setting, 14 specialty-oriented study have been distributed throughout 7 departments. Including  Preschool Education, Community  Public Affairs Management, Tourism Service and Management, Electronic Commerce, Digital Media Technology  and Application, Applications of Electronics Technology, Mechanical Manufacturing Technology. Among them,  Preschool Education, Tourism Service and Management are the key majors in Chengdu, and Community  Public Affairs Management is the provincial characteristic major.
           学校以“精诚至和·精湛至美”为办学理念,以“四好四会”为育人目标,依托“三级课堂”和“三段式”管理,树立了管理好、升学、国际化三大战略品牌。        采用“三四四三”方略、“三段式”管理,赢得“管理严”社会口碑。学校全面落实立德树人的根本任务,强调“三段式”班级管理:即高一准军事化管理、高二自主化管理、企业化管理,为学生顺利融入社会奠定基础。同时,学校精细实施“三四四三”德育工作方略,专注培养“谈吐文雅、举止优雅、品味高雅”的“三雅”中职学生。(“三”即健立全员、全程、全方位的“三全”育人机制; “四”即打造学校、家庭、社会、企业“四位一体”有机结合的教育生态共同体;“四”即让班主任掌握班级管理的技法、班会组织技巧、学生心理辅导技能、家校沟通技艺,以此提升班主任班级管理能力;“三”是增强学生自我管理、自我教育、自我发展的“三自”效能。)       Our school has established three strategies, namely, good management, college promotion and internationalization, based on the school running concept of "sincerity and perfection", the education goal of "Four Goodness Four Ability", and the management of "three-level classroom" and "Three-stage" mode.       The strategy of "three-four-four-three" and "Three-stage" management are adopted to win the public praise of "strict management". The school fully implements the basic task of cultivating talents with morality, and emphasizes the "Three-stage" class management: the quasi-military management of the first grade, the autonomous management of the second grade and the enterprise management. These policies help students to integrate into the society smoothly. At the same time, the school carefully implements the "three-four-four-three " moral education strategy, focusing on the cultivation of “three Elegant" secondary vocational school students who " elegant talk, elegant behave, elegant taste ". (the "three" refers to the "three complete" education mechanism that covers all students, all process and all aspects; "Four" means to build a "four in one" educational ecosystem that combines school, family, society and enterprise; "four" means to let the academic advisors master the skills of class management, class meeting organization, students' psychological guidance and home school communication, so as to improve the academic advisors’ class management ability; and "three" means to enhance the students' self-management, self-education and self-development)        “三级课堂”,锻造多维教育。学校创新实施“三级课堂”,一是狠抓第一级常规课堂,努力培养学生的“职业能力”,使“课堂教学模块化,教学模式特色化”。二是推进第二级课堂,激发学习兴趣,培养综合素质,促进一专多能。三是拓展第三级课堂,无缝接轨社会。2017年学校被聘为成都市创业联盟副理事长单位。   "Three-Level Classes ", forging multi-dimensional education. The school innovatively implements "Three-Level Classes". First, it pays close attention to the first-level conventional classes and strives to cultivate students' "vocational abilities" to make "class teaching modular and teaching modes unique." The second is to promote the second-level classes, stimulate students’ interest in learning, cultivate students’ comprehensive qualities, and promote students’ versatility with one specialty. Third, expand the third-level classes, to let students integrate with society closely. In 2017, the school was appointed as the vice president unit of Chengdu Entrepreneurship Alliance.        因材施教,成就精彩人生。学校对接新区产业用人需求和学生发展需求,各专业精准落实层次化人才培养方案,分别开设了技能班、学历提升班、高职衔接班、本科升学班,探索普职融通班,确保就业、升学工作稳抓稳打出成效。2019年,我校参加全国高考的102名学子全部上线,上线率100%;其中本科上线64人,上线率62.7%。至此,天府职校成功实现高考升学质量三级跳:2017年本科上线21人;2018年本科上线33人;2019年本科上线64人!       Teach students in accordance to their aptitude and achieve wonderful life. In order to meet the needs of new industries employment and students’ development, the school has skill-based class, degree promotion class, transitional class for higher vocational education and undergraduate promotion class. The school explores the integration of education in high school and secondary vocational school and ensures the employment and further study of students is stable and successful. In2019, 102 students of our school took the National College Entrance Examination and 100% students passed the exam. 64 students, 62.7% of all the examinees, are above the Undergraduate Fractional Line. So far, Tianfu Vocational School has achieved the three-level jump of College Entrance Examination quality successfully. In 2017, 21 students are above the Undergraduate Fractional Line. In 2018, 33 students are above the Undergraduate Fractional Line. In 2019, 64 students are above the Undergraduate Fractional Line.        推进国际化,搭建学生留学平台。近两年组织师生30余人赴日研学、学习,与友好合作大学日本麻生专门学校、久留米大学开展互访活动。现有3个日语国际班。社管专业引入日语课程。学校还将继续组织师生赴日拓展国际视野,与境外高校缔结姊妹校及实习基地,引进日本 “对认知障碍的理解及实操”等专题课程,校校、校企订单培养,向海外输送留学和就业学生。        专家引领,精业队伍。学校以“专家引领、科研兴校;点上突破、面上辐射;全面参与、凸显特色”的教科研思路。学校现有国、省、市、区、校级课题共8个。      Advance Internationalization ; Provide Studying Abroad Platform. In the past two years, the school has organized more than 30 teachers and students to study in Japan. At the same time, it has carried out exchange visits with the two friendly cooperative colleges:Masson Special School and Kurume University. Now there are three International Japanese Classes in the school. Besides, the social management major has been integrated into the Japanese language curriculum. The next steps for school : Keeping on organizing teachers and students to visit Japan for expanding their international horizon. Setting up league schools and internship platforms with Japanese famous colleges. Introducing some seminar courses, such as understanding and practicing of cognitive impairment. Advancing school-school and school- enterprise’s orders rise. Sending students to overseas for study or employment.     The Guide of Experts ; The Dedicated Spirit of Team. The school’s idea of education and scientific research: Experts Guide the school, Scientific Research Rejuvenates the school; Point Breakthrough, Surface Radiation; Participating Fully, Highlighting Characteristics. The school has finished a total of 8 projects leveled with nation, province, city, district, or school.        创新改革,内涵发展,精准对接新区产业。围绕天府新区规划愿景,进行专业转型升级, 突出社区管理、旅游服务、学前教育、电子商务等专业的产业服务功能,探索乡村旅游、现代物流、动漫设计、数字媒体方面的人才培养。       成都天府新区职业学校紧紧围绕全面践行新发展理念的国家级新区发展定位,着力在“精”和“诚”上狠下功夫,力争让每一个走进学校的教师都能感受到浓浓的特色氛围,让每一个就读的学生都能成为学校的一张亮丽的名片,让每个学生家长都能为学校的管理点赞,让新区民众对学校充满期待。2019年学校被纳入成都天府新区首批存量学校提升计划,2022年9月将整体搬迁入驻280余亩新校址,一所自然生态、国际品味、产教融合的,集产、学、孵、培、研于一体的全国一流现代中等职业学校即将拔地而起。       Innovative reform, connotative development and accurate connection with the industry in the new area. Our school is focus on the planning vision of Tianfu New Area, we will conduct professional transformation and upgrade. Also we highlight professional industrial service functions, such as community management, tourism services, pre-school education, e-commerce as well as exploring talent cultivation in rural tourism, modern logistics, animation design and digital media.     Chengdu Tianfu Vocational School closely focuses on the developing orientation of the national new area that fully implements the new development concept. The unique atmosphere of the school allows each student to become a bright business card for the school, allows their parents to like the school's management and makes the people in the new area look forward to the school. In 2019, the school was included in the first batch of existing schools in the Tianfu New Area of Chengdu. In September 2022, the school will be relocated to a new school site where has more than 280 acres. The national first-class modern secondary vocational school with training and research in one is about to rise.
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